Article 1: Subject and scope of application
These terms apply to the delivery by EUROSAE of teaching services of continuing education organized and implemented as out of house training courses. The proposed training actions are advanced training of knowledge (article L. 900-2 from the French labour code).
– The out of house training courses are defined in the catalogue of the continuous training of EUROSAE. Relating to developments the subject and the availability of the trainers, EUROSAE reserves the right to change during the year the contents of the courses and/or composition of the pedagogical team listed in the catalogue.
– The in-house training courses developed to meet specific training needs are subject to customized proposals handed over to the client.

Section 2: Registrations
It is possible to ensure by e-mail or by telephone the availability of places within a training.

– Registrations for out of house training courses
The registrations can be taken by phone or by e-mail.

However, they are only validated after receiving a purchase order which must be sent to EUROSAE, by letter: 2 rue Maurice Hartmann 92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux or by email: You could also use the registration form you will find at the end of our catalogue or download on our website, mentioned specifically “Served as purchase order” with the logo of the company and the signature of an eligible person of the company, so this will be accepted.
The registration form or order form, or other like will indicate relevant training: code and title, dates, location, duration, surnames, first names, functions and information of the participants.
This document will also specify the address for the invoicing and/or the paying agency if it is different, especially when it differs from the one the head of the registration. Upon receipt of the purchase order, a registration confirmation is returned to the Training Department and the trainee.

– Special arrangements concerning foreign participants
The courses are delivered in French (except specified on the programme card).
Foreign companies and organization can directly send their registration requests at the following address: 2 rue Maurice Hartmann 92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux.
Due to administrative deadlines required for certain access authorizations.
It is highly recommendable that these registration requests reach EUROSAE 60 days before the start of the training course (30 days for the European Union). French administration may be opposed the admission to a training course or the visit of some institutions without EUROSAE may be held responsible for this refusal.

Article 3: Convention of training
In application of the law 71-575 of 16 July 1971, the invoice is the convention training simplified. However, detailed agreements may be established at the request of the client or his funding organization.

Article 4: Programme, notification and training certificate
One to three weeks before the start of the training, a notification stating the detailed programme of the training, the date, the location (with a map) and hours of training and all regulatory documents addressed to the head of registration and trainees. At the end of each training course, a follow-up training certificate is issued to the student and is addressed to the head of the registration, with the corresponding invoice.

Section 5: Training courses rates
The out of house training courses rate is indicated on the pages of the catalogue describing the training courses. All our rates are indicated in euro, excluding taxes. They are increased by VAT at the current rate.
For all of the training courses, the rate includes:
– the participation in conferences, courses, practical work or planned visits in the programme,
– the documents and additional works hand out to each trainee,
– and a lunch of cohesion had together with the speaker of the training course,
– lunches for the scheduled courses at ISAE in Toulouse.

Article 6 : Client’s cancellation
Cancellation can be made by the company free of charge if this cancellation reaches EUROSAE or by mail at least 10 days before the start of the training.
For any other cancellation not notified at least ten days before the start of the course, it shall be paid 20% of the training course price, due to application fees and compensation.
An absence recorded the day of the start of the training course will be subject to a payment of a 50% of the amount of participation. Any training course started is paid in full.
Please note that expenses related to the cancellation are not chargeable by the company to the credits of professional education.

Article 7: Cancellation by EUROSAE and postponement
When the number of registered participants is not sufficient to ensure some correct educational conditions, EUROSAE reserves the right to cancel or postpone a session, but no compensation or penalty due to the client. The participants are then warned by mail or by email sent to the head of the registration. A report of participation is generally proposed them. In case of cancellation of a session without notice for major reasons, EUROSAE will put in place a new programme. It will be offered priority to already registered participants. In case of cancellation by EUROSAE, whatever the cause, the fees already collected will be refunded.

Article 8: Conditions of payment
No advance payment is normally requested at the time of registration; however EUROSAE reserves the right to demand, if necessary, a partial advance payment of the training course.
Invoices are established at the end of the training course. They are payable upon receipt by bank transfer or cheque (except specific agreement).

In the event of non-payment that would require EUROSAE to send multiple reminders and/or take legal action, the client will have to pay, in addition to the main invoice, costs, expenses and fees ordinarily and legally charged to him,

– on one hand, a conventional late interest rate equal to 3 times the legal interest rate, from the due date of the invoice,

– on the other hand, a compensation set at 15% of the principal amount of the claim all taxes included, as conventional and fixed damages.

For foreign trainees, the payment of educational benefits is requested at the beginning of the training course.
If the invoice is paid by an outside paying organization, it belongs to the responsible of the registration to communicate to this organization all elements that are necessary to secure this payment.
If it was not made, EUROSAE would claim the amount of this payment to the registered company and the amount of the penalties for late payment.

Article 9: Intellectual Property
The facilitators of EUROSAE retain all their rights of copyright on the content of the training courses and the documentation provided to the trainees. The reproduction, modification or distribution to third parties of all or part of the documentation without the prior written agreement of the authors, is prohibited.

Article 10: Responsibility of EUROSAE
The duty of EUROSAE with regard to the proposed training courses is an obligation of means and not an obligation of result. However EUROSAE will not be held responsible for changes in the sequence of events independent of its will and in particular the cancellation of the action of training due to a lack of registrations. In case of substantial changes in the programme, EUROSAE will inform the trainees as soon as possible.
EUROSAE draws the attention of the participants on the need to have knowledge of each action of training objectives.

Article 11: Conditions of participation
Participants in training courses done in the premises of EUROSAE are required to comply with the internal regulation passed on with the convening and displayed in the hall of its premises.
If training takes place outside the premises of EUROSAE, trainees are required to comply with the internal regulation of the host institution.
EUROSAE reserves the right, without compensation of any kind be excluded at any time any participant whose behaviour would impede the correct running of the course or would miss seriously the internal regulation.

Article 12: Dispute
Any dispute which would have not been settled out of court shall be finally in litigation.

Article 13: Update
These general conditions of sale are likely to be updated during the year.
The current version is brought to the attention of all on our website. These changes cannot be entitled to any compensation for the benefit of the client.