EUROSAE, toujours à la pointe de l’innovation, est particulièrement attentive aux besoins nouveaux de l’industrie.
Avec le concours de son actionnaire ISAE-SUPAERO qui fait référence dans le paysage aérospatial européen, EUROSAE opère pour son client CAPGEMINI un parcours de formation original et ambitieux sur le thème des technologies « hydrogène » applicables à l’aviation.
La formation apporte les connaissances nécessaires aux apprenants leur permettant de transférer leurs compétences sur des projets autour de l’avion du futur à hydrogène.
Elle s’adresse à des ingénieurs aéronautiques expérimentés.
EUROSAE, at the heart of knowledge
With more than 60 years of experience, EUROSAE is constantly evolving to meet the new challenges of continuing education. Reference in the world of aeronautics, space and defense, the entire EUROSAE team remains at your disposal, to boost your competitiveness and meet your new needs.
After a new logo, a new website and the renewed form of the catalog, we are proud to present our institutional film. EUROSAE moves, but its genes and values remain: rigor, excellence, professionalism and passion.
Discover all our trainings
Technical trainings with High Value
Eurosae provides continuing professional development for engineers, executives and technicians in the aeronautics, space, defense, security and naval sectors. 260 inter-company internships are in the catalog and 80 intra-company internships come from Eurosae’s educational engineering. Practical work completes the classes in class. Visits to factories, test centers, assembly and integration workshops allow the discovery of concrete industrial applications.
Key numbers
Where do the trainees come from ?
What they think of it
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